In a press release by Prastuti Parashar, Sankalpajeet Hazarika and Subhasish Chandra Das expressed that it was an undemocratic decision of the association.
color:black">Digital Desk: Three popular mobile theatre groups resigned from
membership of mobile theatre producers association. Against the decision of the association, the Aawahon, Hengul, and Etihash group
protested. They also resigned from primary membership.
In a press release by
Prastuti Parashar, Sankalpajeet Hazarika and Subhasish Chandra Das expressed
that it was an undemocratic decision of the association. On the other hand, Munindra Barman, President of the association reacted and said that 12 mobile
theatre groups supported the said decision of the association. He also said
that if there was any wrong decision, then these 3 groups may come forward for
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