Digital Desk: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted three raids in different parts of West Bengal on Thursday over Rs 6,000 crore bank fraud case. The three places include Kolkata and Howrah of West Bengal.
Following consumer complaints over the increase in electricity bills, the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited...
Digital Desk: Following consumer complaints over the increase in electricity bills, the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) confirmed on Sunday that smart prepaid meters do not result in an increase in electricity charges.
The APDCL authorities claimed that smart meters give information on daily power use to encourage users to utilize electricity wisely when needed, resulting in energy savings.
Informing this, APDCL tweeted, "It has come to our notice that many consumers have raised grievances regarding an increase in electricity bills due to prepaid smart meters in various platforms. In this regard, this is to clarify that prepaid smart meters doesn't lead to increase in electricity bills. Rather, these meters provide insights on daily consumption to encourage consumers to use electricity judiciously as per needs resulting in savings of energy. As a part of Govt. of India’s RDSS Scheme, smart prepaid meters are being installed throughout the country including Assam."
"In case of smart prepaid meters, no extra charge is levied and existing tariff rates are applicable. However, in order to allay the concern of the consumers, we have made provision to install check meters alongside the smart meter to compare consumption of both meters," it added.
The power distribution company encouraged customers to install check meters alongside the smart meter by contacting their respective sub-division offices.
On the other hand, customers can also keep track of their daily electricity usage by using the "myBijulee" mobile app, and they can notify the APDCL of any disparity in consumption.
"Moreover, in order to give relief to the consumers, we have facilitated payment of the last month’s postpaid bill on a daily installment basis once the connection is converted to prepaid. However, if any consumer has any query or confusion regarding the postpaid to prepaid conversion process, they can call at our helpline number 1912 or raise their query through or myBijulee App or through our social media handle tagging @apdclsocial," the tweet added.
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