On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the first issue of 'Asom Barta' and paved the way for several projects in Guwahati, Assam.
The BJP leader also launched the first issue of Asom Barta, a Government of Assam newspaper that will keep Assamese citizens informed about government policies and their implementation.
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma led the launch coincided with the state government's first anniversary.
The Government of Assam is committed to ensuring the widespread reach of Asom Barta. First, the goal is to reach one crore readers via various modern technologies such as WhatsApp, Telegram, e-mail, SMS, and other social media platforms.
The first newspaper in Assam will mark a milestone in direct government-citizen communication.
Union Minister Amit Shah said during the launch of the first issue of Asom Barta, "Asom Barta will be printed in four languages, Assamese, English, Hindi, and Bengali (in the coming months), and will be distributed widely using various traditional and social media platforms."
Shah stated, "Today's youth in Assam are not taking up arms but are working for their good. When India becomes a 5 trillion dollar economy, youth from Assam will benefit from it. The day is not far when all the capitals of the North East are connected through railways. The day is not far when Assam will become flood-free."
Check out some details on "Asom Barta":
Over 10,000 hard copies of Asom Barta will be printed and delivered periodically to all state government offices. Besides the printed version, soft copies of the newspaper will initially be sent to one crore people via social media platforms and e-mails. Assam is one of the first states in the country to launch its newsletter.
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