The police are still working tirelessly to track down and recover the remaining funds, while also gathering crucial information to identify the perpetrators behind the scam.
Digital Desk: On 20th February, the Guwahati Cyber Police Station tracked down and recovered Rs 5 lakh which scam artists obtained in an online investment scheme. Investors became victims of scammers who initially stole Rs 12.6 lakh from them. The authorities acted fast in tracking of this transaction and restored the recovered funds into the injured party's bank account.
The police are still working tirelessly to keep track and gather information of both stolen funds and essential perpetrator identification details related to this scam operation. The ongoing investigation compels authorities to warn people about online financial risks and instruct them to report all doubtful transactions right away.
Authorities encourage people to monitor their online security from scams while immediately reporting all odd behavior because potential investment verification plays a vital role in commitment decisions.
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