Digital Desk: On Monday night, a team of thieves stormed into two ATMs in the Dibrugarh district's Barbaruah town and stole Rs 45.31 lakh. According to police, the criminals robbed two ATMs belonging to SBI and PNB before torching them to erase the evidence. The two ATMs held Rs 14.8 lakh and Rs 30.51 lakh in cash, respectively.
The criminals are accused of using gas cutters and other tools to carry out the crime.
The ATMs were plundered in an unusual manner, with the ATM machine being burned. The group also severely destroyed CCTV cameras. According to police reports, the incident occurred at 2.15 a.m. yesterday.
According to ASP Bitul Chetia, an investigation is ongoing. "We have been notified that the ATM in Barbarua caught fire, and the fire department has arrived to quell the fire." Following that, it was discovered that ATM cash was taken using gas-cutters from the machines," said Additional Superintendent of Police Bitul Chetia.
"At the same time, the Punjab National Bank's ATM was looted, but it was alerted in the morning." And we learned that after taking the money, the criminals set fire to the ATM. This method of ATM robbery was initially observed in upper Assam."
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