They were detained on Sunday "after their overnight interrogation," a police officer said...
Digital Desk: For allegedly engaging in terrorist activities, two people were detained in Assam's Barpeta district on Sunday. According to the police, they claimed that on Saturday night, Akbar Ali and Abul Kalam Azad were taken into custody from a home in the Sorbhog neighbourhood of the district.
They were detained on Sunday "after their overnight interrogation," a police officer said. They were remanded to 10 days in police prison after being hauled before a local court, he claimed.
According to Amitava Sinha, SP, Barpeta, "Police also carried out an eviction drive in a Madrasa in Barpeta as it was unlawfully erected on government land and also has a link with the two arrested accused."
According to Lachit Kumar Das, Additional Deputy Commissioner, the institute was razed since it was built on government property after being evicted by the police earlier in the day.
"Anti-national operations are being carried out by this institution. We arrived and checked out the place. It was discovered to be built on public property, and its proprietors were unknown. We made the choice to destroy it," he stated.
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