The accused was arrested by the police at around 2 am in Surujnagar, Six mile.
Digital Desk: Guwahati Police arrested a boy who allegedly attempted to rape a girl on Wednesday in the Downtown area of the city.
The accused has been identified as Tenzin Dargey Kee.
The victim, who is from Arunachal Pradesh but is currently staying in a rented house on Rupkonwar Path near Downtown in Guwahati, told police that at around 11 a.m. yesterday when she was alone in her room, the 27-year-old Tenzin forced his way in and attempted to rape her twice.
Moreover, based on the information case vide DPR PS case no. 1330/22 U/S 376(1) IPC was a registered case against the accused.
Meanwhile, the accused was arrested by the police at around 2 am in Surujnagar, Six mile.
Further investigation into the matter is underway.
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