  • 220 crore people in India, Pakistan to face deadly heat if global temperature rises by 2 degree Celsius

    Sci & Tech
    220 crore people in India, Pakistan to face deadly heat if global temperature rises by 2 degree Celsius

    Human bodies can take only certain combinations of heat and humidity before experiencing heat-related health problems, such as heat stroke or heart attack.

    Digital Desk: According to recent studies, global warming caused by climate change might cause heart attacks and heat strokes in some of the world's most populated areas, such as India and the Indus Valley, by the turn of the century.

    As per the interdisciplinary research from the Penn State College of Health and Human Development, Purdue University College of Sciences, and Purdue Institute for a Sustainable Future, global warming of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels will have a disastrous effect on human health. This research was published in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."

    Before suffering from heat-related health issues like heat stroke or heart attacks, human bodies can only tolerate a limited amount of heat and humidity.

    The Indus River Valley is home to 2.2 billion people in Pakistan and India, 1 billion people in eastern China, and 800 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. If global temperatures rise by 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, hours of heat will be unbearable for these populations.

    Delhi, Kolkata, Shanghai, Multan, Nanjing, and Wuhan will be among the cities that experience the worst of this yearly heat wave.

    People living in these low- and middle-income countries might not have access to air conditioners or other efficient methods of cooling their bodies.

    If the planet's temperature rises by 3 degrees Celsius beyond pre-industrial levels, the Eastern Seaboard and the midsection of the United States, from Florida to New York and from Houston to Chicago, may experience extreme heat. Extreme temperatures would also be present in South America and Australia, according to the study.

    But citizens in developed nations would suffer less than individuals in developing nations, where the elderly and the sick may pass away.

    According to co-author Matthew Huber, professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University, "the worst heat stress will occur in regions that are not wealthy and that are anticipated to experience rapid population growth in the coming decades."

    "This is true even though these countries produce significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than developed countries. As a result, billions of poor people will suffer, and many of them may pass away. But wealthy nations will also feel the effects of rising heat, and in today's interconnected globe, everyone can anticipate suffering some sort of harm, he said.

    Researchers concluded that greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels, must be curbed in order to prevent global temperatures from rising. Middle-income and low-income countries will suffer the most if adjustments are not made, they claimed.