The ultra-realistic dog suit for the man was made by the Japanese company Zeppet, which also creates costumes for TV commercials...
Digital Desk: Everyday lot is going on in the world which will make you incited to think that such things too exist. One such incident has recently occurred, a Japanese man named Toco has changed himself into a dog. The transformation procedure cost him two million Yen (A$22,000) which as per Indian currency is Rs 11,65,606.34.
The man's hyper-realistic dog costume was developed in 40 days by the Japanese company called Zeppet, which creates costumes for TV commercials and films. The company focuses on creating miniatures, body costumes, 3-D models, and other similar items.
"Modelled after a collie dog, it reproduces the appearance of a real dog walking on four legs," stated a spokeswoman for the firm.
The man posted a video titled 'I Want to Be an Animal' to his YouTube page. The channel has over 31,000 subscribers, and the video has over 1 million views.
Notably, the video was shot a year ago but was only recently uploaded. It was filmed as part of an interview for RTL, a German television network.
The Subtitles at the beginning of the video read, “I became a collie, fulfilling a dream I had since I was a little child to be an animal!”
The reason behind not showing his face, Toco says "I don't want my hobbies to be known, especially by people I work with," the man explained.
"They find it strange that I wish to be a dog. For the same reason I can't show my true face," the man further mentioned.
"I rarely tell my friends because I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird," he told The Mirror in a separate interview.
He also added that “My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal."
Toco is seen in the above video as being led for a walk while wearing a leash around his neck. The human dog sniffs like other canines in the park and rolls around on the ground like an animal.
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