Mumbai: Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s mother Aruna Bhatia died on Wednesday morning after a prolonged illness. The actor took to Twitter to share the news of his mother’s demise.
“She was my core. And today I feel an unbearable pain at the very core of my existence. My maa Smt Aruna Bhatia peacefully left this world today morning and got reunited with my dad in the other world. I respect your prayers as I and my family go through this period. Om Shanti,” he wrote.
On Tuesday, Akshay had asked his fans to pray for his mother. “Touched beyond words at your concern for my mom’s health. This is a very tough hour for me and my family. Every single prayer of yours would greatly help,” he tweeted.
Akshay was shooting for his upcoming film Cinderella in the UK and returned to Mumbai on Monday morning as his mother was unwell for a few days and because of which she was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of Hiranandani Hospital in Mumbai during the time of her death.
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