Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading several harmful diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, and Zika...
Digital Desk: If you feel you are more prone to get mosquito bites than people near you, then it may have something to do with your blood type. Your blood group plays a major role on how attractive mosquitoes find you.
Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading several harmful diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, and Zika, therefore, scientists have identified that mosquitoes are more attracted to some blood groups than others.
Know all about the different blood types
The protein (antigen) present in each red blood cell is used to determine a person's blood group.
The four different blood types are as follows:
A: Only has A antigen on the red blood cell surface
B: Only has B antigen on the red blood cell surface.
AB: Has both A and B antigens on the red blood cell surface.
O: Has neither A nor B antigen on the red blood cell surface.
How do different blood groups related to mosquito bites?
After years of research, researchers and experts have found that mosquitoes seem to prefer biting humans with blood group O over persons with any other blood groups.
According to a study, specific mosquito species landed on people with blood type O twice as often as they did on people with blood type A. "With O being the preferred blood type of mosquitos and A being the least preferred, those with blood type B fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum," Amitava Ray, General Physician at Apollo said to News18.
Here are some other factors that could turn you into a mosquito magnet:
Body Odour
Carbon Dioxide
Metabolic Rate
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