People who are obese have a high risk of diabetes. Excess body weight makes a subject vulnerable to this disease.
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">: We are dependent on food for our
energy requirements. Living a healthy life is not possible without a proper
diet. The food that we consume gets broken down into sugar, which the body
absorbs and helps in performing our daily activities. The hormone that
regulates its use is called insulin.
per definition, diabetes is a disease that occurs when blood glucose, also
called blood sugar, is too high.
happens when the sugar released by the food remains unregulated because the
insulin produced is less than the required levels or the body refuses to utilize
it. This causes a health problem that, if left untreated, can be fatal.
advancement in medical technology and better insight into the causes that lead
to the disease, physicians have not only managed to regulate the release of
sugar into the bloodstream of people with diabetes but have also discovered
ways to cure it.
some cases, they have also managed to ‘reverse’ the disease. The reversal
of diabetes is a generic term. The clinical reference is putting
diabetes into remission.
Is the
reversal of diabetes possible?
condition of diabetes indicates high blood sugar levels in the body. Its
reversal is a state where the sugar levels in a person’s body remain within the
prescribed range over a consistent period.
such progress is made, the person is taken off medication and leads a life like
any other person. The medical fraternity addresses this return to normalcy as
putting the disease into remission.
who are obese have a high risk of diabetes. Excess body weight makes a subject
vulnerable to this disease.
a study of people with diabetes in the United Kingdom, the most consistent
benchmark observed in people who managed to reverse the disease was weight
loss. It was observed that the subjects who lost around 15 kg managed to put
the disease into remission.
believe that excess accumulation of fat in the liver and pancreas results in a
blood sugar imbalance. Weight loss allows the body to revert to its normal
status and helps the markers for the healthy release of insulin and blood sugar
absorption. This allows people with diabetes to start living a life not
dependent on medication.
papaya help in the reversal of diabetes?
by themselves, cannot reverse diabetes. It is, however, a decent food full of
antioxidants, fiber, and nutrition, making it a healthy choice for people who
are on a weight-loss plan.
the reversal of diabetes is most associated with people who manage to
shed their body fat, papaya can stimulate weight loss and, consequently, help
reverse diabetes.
Health Benefits:
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">
to consume papaya?
papaya is a fruit. Like any other fruit, it is best to have it raw. One can
have papaya fruit salad, where we have to mix it with strawberries and
blueberries, which have a low GI. A papaya shake or a smoothie is also good.
Avoid adding sugar, as ripe papayas are invariably sweet. It is best to have
papaya in the morning or snacks at noon.
makes a fantastic low-calorie diet. It has zero cholesterol and is high in
fibre, which helps digestion. Since it fills and provides a healthy mix of
nutrients to a person, it reduces the urge to eat more often and assists in
weight loss. It is also rich in antioxidants.
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