New research by the faculty of the University of Georgia postulates that these fats have potential benefits in preventing various forms of cancer…
Digital Desk: Over the several years of the study, approximately 30,000 people were identified as suffering from some kind of cancer. Epidemiological studies revealed that high-density intake of these fatty acids reduced participants’ risk of certain forms of cancer. However, when other variables for confounding, including BMI, alcohol, and physical activity, were included, this association persisted, suggesting that certain types of fats might be protective.
Omega 3 and 6 are obtained from fatty fish, nuts, avocados, and some plant oils, like canola oil, which is omega 3. Even if fish oil supplements could raise levels of these healthy fats in the body, investigators warn that supplementation may not benefit everyone. For example, Studious compared that reduced levels of omega-3 were correlated with a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer in men. According to the study’s leading author, Kaixiong Ye, an associate professor at UGA, for women, adjusting the portion size upward seems a no-brainer because of the benefits.
These results align with the current knowledge regarding the function of omega-3 and omega-6 in cancer eradication. Nonetheless, a person’s health status should always be taken into account before changing the diet drastically or before one starts taking supplements.
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