Digital Desk: Water keeps our body functioning properly. There's no doubt that drinking water is good for our health. It carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells, flushes bacteria from the bladder, prevents constipation, normalizes blood pressure, and also regulates body temperature.
But how much water do you really need in a day? Some people say that 8 glasses of water a day keeps you away from all the diseases. For healthy individuals, the average daily water for a man is approximately 15 cups while for a woman it is 11 cups.
According to the research published in the journal 'Science' in 2022, a survey was conducted among 5,600 people across 26 countries. The research revealed that most people do not need to drink 8 glasses of water to stay hydrated. The water intake depends on body size, physical activity, and diet.
But if you do not drink enough water depending on your body, your risk of becoming dehydrated increases. Signs like dark yellow colored urine, weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, etc come under dehydration.
Water is not the only source to keep your body hydrated. All beverages containing water provide benefits to your body. Although, water is the best choice for a healthy life.
To avoid dehydration, drink fluids gradually. People get fluids from drinks as well as from water-rich foods such as salads and fruits. Sugary drinks lead to weight gain and diseases like diabetes, while too much caffeine causes disruption in sleep and alcohol intake should also be limited for both men and women.
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