According to several Ayurvedic doctors, ashwagandha roots increase sleep quality. Digital Desk: According to Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is a potent pl...
They also stated how many hours of pornography their current partner watches every week, ranging from none to more than eight hours, and... Digital D...
There were 5,825 people who had an early-onset stroke and 9,269 people who had a late-onset stroke among those who had a stroke... Digital Desk: Scie...
The team led by AIIMS Patna researchers found that COVID-19 can cause multiorgan damage through the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 receptor... Digit...
Maharashtra state public health authorities are now focusing on avoiding the sub-variant from entering the state due to... Digital Desk: India confir...
Notably, two travellers arriving from Dubai tested positive for the COVID virus on Wednesday at the Chennai airport.Digital Desk: The next 40 days wil...
This is the world's first intranasal Covid vaccination to be approved for the primary 2-dose schedule as well as a heterologous booster dose... Digit...
As Covid cases continue to rise worldwide, the government said on Saturday that RT-PCR tests will be mandatory for foreign passengers ...Digital Desk:...