You can start your day with a cup of herbal tea and then eat 10 to 15 raisins that have been soaked overnight.Digital Desk: A migraine attack can be ...
On January 13 of this year, during the third wave of the pandemic, Delhi saw a record-breaking 28,867 daily COVID-19 cases... Digital Desk: Delhi rep...
The study claimed that the virus can also spread through bodily fluids or items that have been used by an infected person. However, it is not yet know...
This implies that these factors were responsible for 44.4% of all cancer-related fatalities worldwide... Digital Desk: A cancer study reveals that sm...
It was said that pharmaceutical corporations should follow ethical marketing procedures and that the right to health is a component of the right to li...
Your kidneys may have severe problems if you don't get enough water to drink. To keep yourself hydrated, you should consume enough water. This aids in...
In the past 24 hours, 15,040 recoveries have been reported in the nation, bringing the overall number of recoveries... Digital Desk: India has seen a...
In nearly 90 countries all over the world, there have been more than 31,000 documented cases of monkeypox. The outbreak was deemed a national emergenc...