New York: The representative of India to the United Nations stated that India would use its voice at United Nations General Assembly to force global issues such as terrorism, climate change and Covid 19 pandemic.
Other major issues to be settled in the United Nation General Assembly includes Indo-Pacific and UN reform, a global organization, fair and affordable vaccines.
India's UN Ambassador to the United Nations, TS Tirumurti, said that Covid19's pandemic and effect in Afghanistan are expected to get attention at the 76th UNGA session.
The UNGA session for the present year started on September 14, 2021. It is headed under the president named Abdullah Shahid.
A top-level week under the General Debate will start on September 21, with US President Joe Biden addressing world leaders on Tuesday.
The Prime minister of India, Narendra Modi will address the general debate on September 25.
"The 76th UN General Assembly is an essential event for India for several purposes. India is a leading speaker in emerging nations and practices its voice as a contemporary UN Security Council member. It is expected to tackle global problems strongly," said Tirmulti.
"They cover climate change, the sustainable development goals, fair and affordable access to vaccines, poverty elimination and financial rescue, women's empowerment and participation in governance formations, terrorism, peacebuilding, and the Indo-Pacific. It covers UN reforms. We will surely do, as we did earlier, "added Tirmulti.
He guided the proposals at the General Assembly into a major collaborative and effective framework in India, "to act with associates on a split plan that could limit or stop the weakening of current agendas. I can oppose it. "
"This is the role India can play in maintaining the focus on the important problems facing the world and limiting discourse from being seized to meet narrow concerns," Tirmulti continued.
The theme of this 2021 general debate is "Building Resilience through Recovery from COVID-19, Sustainable Reconstruction, Responding to Global Needs, Respect for People's Rights, and Hope for the Revitalization of the United Nations."
India will participate in three high-level discussions on climate, energy and food systems hosted by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. In addition, Guterres and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will continue an informal climate leaders roundtable on environment progress with a short and representative association of state and government leaders on Monday.
Trimurti stated the continuing COVID-19 pandemic remains to add shade over this significant annual conference of global leaders. Concerning climate change, Tirmulti stated India is the solely G20 nation on course to attain its aims in Paris.
"We are next to none in the battle against climate change, restoring it during the conference and calling on developed nations to consider additional action through mitigation objectives, climate funding and technology change," he added.
Concerning vaccines, India will increase some of the drives it has taken to secure vaccine equity and "guarantee the availability of developing nations that have not yet been brought into this ambition."
"The Security Council has so far played an important role in bringing our views and experience to some of the major peace and security issues we face. We have acted as a bridge to bring together conflicting views, "appended Tirumurti.
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