A few of these images also found their way to social media, where they quickly became popular....
Digital Desk: On Thursday, Boris Johnson resigned as the Prime Minister of England. And while he was ready to leave his powerful position, the team at Madame Tussauds in Blackpool was busy at work. They were relocating the Tory leader's statue from the museum to outside a job centre.
The statue, which is renowned for its attention to detail like all previous Madame Tussauds masterpieces, depicts Johnson grinning with his hands resting on his waist while wearing a suit and a blue tie.
And it didn't take long for the former prime minister's statue, now on the street, to draw a few glances and a lot of laughter. Several passersby wasted little time in posing for photos with the statue of Johnson, who was wearing a suit with a powder-blue tie.
A few of these images also found their way to social media, where they quickly became popular. A Twitter user going by the name "Madame Tussauds" posted a picture of the statue along with the hashtag "Boris x Blackpool."
The relocated waxwork was only unveiled in March at Madame Tussauds. The statue took eight months to plan and create, as per a report by Lancs Live. A team of 20 artisans created the statue over several hundred hours of work.
And not just Madame Tussauds in Blackpool has modified its Boris Johnson installation. The leader is depicted standing next to a Downing Street sign and grinning at the Number 10 door while holding a sign that reads "vacancy" in Madame Tussauds in London, the report said.
Since Johnson is no longer the Prime Minister, Madame Tussauds has also announced that his wax figure will be removed from the London center, BBC reports said.
After months of scandal that jeopardized his position and leadership, Boris Johnson resigned on Thursday. To take over for Johnson, a new Tory leader will be selected soon.
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