The Vice-President of the company, Stevie Mayhew, called it a "high–trust model." He said, "It allows people to take the leave they need and then come in and do their best work for us."
Digital Desk: Now that the pandemic has' calmed down' and offices are reopening, we all shall miss Work from Home (WFH) as working at one's comfort is a different level of satisfaction. However, it is not as easy as it seems because one has to work day in and day out without any leave.
A New Zealand-based software company named Actionstep found a solution for that. The company is offering unlimited annual leaves to all its employees. The company has removed the cap on leaves and allowed its staff to go on as many holidays as they desire.
The Vice-President of the company, Stevie Mayhew, called it a "high–trust model." He said, "It allows people to take the leave they need and then come in and do their best work for us."
"There was a little bit of skepticism at the start and a few questions asked like 'can I just take three months off and go,' but we've been able to work through all the questions with our staff and get them excited for the opportunity it provides. We trust our staff and hope that they trust us as well", he added.
Even though the company is granting unlimited leaves, it encourages its employees to take a minimum of four weeks of leaves. The company has instilled this minimum requirement in all its offices around the globe.
Many companies also tried a four-day working week. Still, according to Mayhew, the board's decision to initiate unlimited annual leave was the best way to ensure everyone could take the time they needed. He also urged other companies to try this.
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