Digital Desk: Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of the war-torn country of Ukraine, issued a warning to its people on Saturday ahead of In...
Justin Quirk, the owner of the branch, soon apologised and paid her when she filed a case against the company.Digital Desk: A woman experienced age an...
Digital Desk: Water levels in rivers and lakes around Europe have dropped to levels few people can recall due to weeks of sweltering droug...
Aung San Suu Kyi has been detained since Myanmar's army overthrew her government in a coup last February...Digital Desk: Myanmar's military chief said...
The important point to notice is that the lighting doesn’t only define the brightness and the exposure of your pictures, but it also defines the ton...
The Children's Health Defense (CHD), a COVID vaccination critic, quickly accused Meta of limiting its free speech rights. Digital Desk: Meta, the own...
According to a witness, the planes were around 200 feet (61 metres) in the air when they crashed...Digital Desk: Two planes collided on Thursday in No...
Her day starts at daybreak in a two-room, bare-brick building with a tin roof that she shares with her mother-in-law, sons Resham and Arjun, and goats...