Carbohydrates acquired from whole meals as part of a balanced and healthy diet can aid weight loss and even aid in the burning of belly fat. Take a look at five nutritious carbs that help you lose weight around your belly.
Digital Desk: Carbohydrates are frequently blamed for weight gain, abdominal fat accumulation, water retention, and blood sugar spikes. This is partly true because the type of carbs one chooses makes a big difference in deciding weight gain risk. Simple carbs like those found in processed foods, candies, and sugary drinks boost blood sugar, whereas complex carbs keep it under control, reducing disease risk.
Carbohydrates acquired from whole meals as part of a balanced and healthy diet can aid weight loss and even aid in the burning of belly fat. Take a look at five nutritious carbs that help you lose weight around your belly.
Whole wheat bread with proteins: White bread is prepared from refined flour, which is stripped of the inherent nutritional values of wheat or whole grains. So, if you want to decrease belly fat, choose whole wheat bread and pair it with some proteins.
Carrots: Soluble fiber is abundant in carrots, broccoli, avocados, beans, strawberries, grapefruit, and flax. This vitamin aids blood sugar regulation and aids digestion by producing fullness. According to five-year-long research, consuming 10 grams of soluble fiber per day helped reduce belly fat by 3.7 percent.
Fermented food: Prebiotic strains found in fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, and kimchi have a lower risk of belly fat and better hip to waist measurement ratios.
Bananas: Bananas, onions, garlic, leeks, and chicory roots, are high in carbs that help with fat belly management. Prebiotic fiber-rich foods promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Bananas have the same compound, which aids digestion, blood sugar control, and even weight loss.
Greek yogurt: Greek yoghurt has 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving, about the same as cow's milk. However, it contains more protein in a single cup, which aids in satisfaction while reducing belly fat.
Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions offered in this article are for general purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Before beginning any exercise regime or making any dietary changes, always consult with your doctor or a dietitian.
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