Over time, skipping breakfast can lead to a variety of health problems from weakened glucose levels ...
Digital Desk: Breakfast is acknowledged as the most important meal of the day since it boosts your energy levels and short-term concentration. People who routinely miss breakfast are more likely to get certain types of cancer than those who have their morning meal regularly.
According to a new study, people who reported not having their morning meal had an increased risk of oesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, and extrahepatic bile duct cancer when compared to those who ate breakfast every day.
Researchers found that people who rarely ate breakfast were younger, and a higher percentage used to smoke, were fat, led a sedentary lifestyle, and had higher cholesterol levels in an earlier investigation performed by the National Health and Nutrition Examination investigation.
Breakfast deprivation has been linked to poor glucose metabolism, chronic inflammation, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In this prospective cohort study, Chinese researchers looked at the relationship between breakfast frequency and gastrointestinal (GI) cancer risk in 63,000 adults who did not have cancer at the start.
Skipping breakfast, according to dietitian Shweta Gupta, Unit Head-Dietetics, Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh, can increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer because it impairs glucose metabolism, causes chronic inflammation, and can lead to tumour progression through processes such as oxidation and gene mutation, altered microbiome, risk of esophageal cancers, colorectal cancers, and stomach cancers.
We all know that to start a day it's more important to have your breakfast on time. Here's what Dietitian Shweta Gupta explains, skipping it on a regular basis has a number of negative consequences:
How does Breakfast play a role in having good and well-maintained health?
According to Shweta Gupta, having breakfast is critical for boosting brainpower, and metabolism, and providing the body with essential nutrients.
Here's what you can add to your healthy Breakfast meal-
Breakfast and non-breakfast eaters had equal daily caloric intakes. Still, the calories ingested by the latter groups had a substantially higher percentage of harmful fats and a smaller amount of proteins and carbs.
As a result, daily dietary choices and other aspects of living habits are one of the primary causes of the study's findings.
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