To wake up, ‘In health of body’ is to have the potential to make the most of the day, of life itself.
Digital Desk: Waking up without any physical discomfort is so underrated.
For most of us, we wake up and our mind starts churning. What needs to be done today, what did not go so well yesterday, etc. etc.
The constant mind chatter is all too familiar.
For a few of us, we do feel grateful to greet the day, and have imbibed the good habit of beginning the day with a prayerful attitude. Or maybe, with gratitude.
But most of us take our bodily wellness for granted.
To wake up, ‘In health of body’ is to have the potential to make the most of the day, of life itself.
So let us remember to take care of our physical health.
Instead of having to look for cures and healing, it is a much better approach to focus
on health as a preventive measure.
Begin with knowledge. What ideas about food, sleep, exercise are you following now?
What have been the sources of that information? Are they ratified by science?
Custom is all very well, but most of the customary practices have a kernel of scientific truth. Look for that basis and follow the customs that are conducive to health.
It is not fair to be ignoring our health, for what good are the goods of this world, if we become sick in body?
The overwhelming amount of knowledge sometimes acts as a deterrent for us. So, bite off only as much as you can chew.
Most importantly, practise with consistency.
A healthy body is a basic need for us to live well.
Take this moment to make a plan to commit to a healthier you.
(The writer is a Life Coach and Senior Soft Skills trainer; and can be reached at
-Atifa Deshamukhya
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