Cold weather further thickens the blood and enhances its clotting tendency, elevating the risk of heart attacks... Digital Desk: Research has she...
Eating curd in winter can have both advantages and side effects, here are some of the benefits and side effects...Digital Desk: In winter, the consump...
Expert Pandit Jagannath Guruji's daily horoscope can be helpful if you're looking for guidance on your career, romantic life, or just general knowledg...
Our morning routines can set the tone for the remainder of our workday and have long-term effects on our bodies. Digital Desk: One of the oldest ...
A healthy diet is cardinal in developing years. a diet with proper portions of proteins, fibres, and minerals is vital to lower the risk of deficiency...
Bay leaves also demonstrate efficacy in healing respiratory conditions... Digital Desk: Bay leaf, a revered flavoring agent in Indian cuisine, ha...
Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses were the primary culprits with only 8 percent of positive samples...Digital Desk: Much of our understanding of viral re...
People often turn to astrology for insights into their personalities, relationships, and even their daily livesDigital Desk: The fascination with horo...