Acute menstrual headache occurs in a menstruation woman during the two days before her period and/or throughout the first three days...Digital Desk: W...
As per Ayurveda, migraine is caused by vata dosha, which can be alleviated by consuming rabri jalebi in...Digital Desk: Ayurveda practitioners can ass...
Vastu claims that your financial situation can be significantly impacted by the colour of your wallet... Digital Desk: The aim of money is not only t...
Sleep experts believe that repeatedly hitting the snooze button due to the desire to sleep for a few more moments causes tired mornings and has a bad ...
Lifestyle ailments such as hypertension and diabetes are more common among urban women nowadays...Digital Desk: Lifestyle issues are quite frequent am...
That every packet of cigarettes, every beginning of a movie shows that smoking is extremely harmful to one's health... Digital Desk: Smoking is injur...
Are you looking to learn why you should use yoga for hair growth? Here are 5 especially powerful asanas...Digital Desk: Yoga is commonly associated wi...
Post-Holi skincare: If you spent the past few days attending a number of parties, you are bound to be spotted in a myriad of colours... Digital Desk:...