By following these easy, Shastra-based tips, one can secure success and profit at every level...Digital Desk: Who doesn’t want growth in their life?...
Walking can also enhance cognitive function, which is another advantage. It has been demonstrated to enhance memory, focus, and creativity. Digit...
Turmeric boiled with milk or water is one of the best cold and cough remedies. It functions as an antibiotic, preventing many infections and keeping y...
According to studies, persons who had their feet massaged following surgery on their appendix, for example, experienced less pain and used fewer medic...
It is regarded as a time to express gratitude to the ancestors and the god of agriculture for abundant production and happy life... Digital Desk: Mag...
Here are five shocking reasons why your favourite toast may not be the best choice for your health... Digital Desk: Have you ever had tea with rusk? ...
When you eat fried or junk food in larger amounts, it shows up on your skin as acne, pimples, and a pale face...Digital Desk: Ageing is an unavoidable...
The Northwest strengthens your bond with your family, whereas the Southwest has an affect on husband-wife and parent-child relationships... Digital D...