Results of Arunachal Pradesh panchayat bypolls announced on Wednesday, with incumbent BJP winning 39 Gram Panchayat...
Digital Desk: The ruling BJP won 39 Gram Panchayat member seats and two Zilla Parishad member seats in Arunachal Pradesh, an official said on Wednesday while revealing the panchayat by-election results.
The opposition Congress gained five GP seats, the National People's Party (NPP) settled with one, and independents gained nine seats.
Elections were held for one ZPM and five GPM seats out of a total of 54 vacant GPM seats and two ZPM seats scattered throughout 23 districts of the state, according to State Election Commission (SEC) secretary Taru Talo.
According to Talo, the seats become empty for a variety of causes, including death and retirement from positions.
Arunachal Pradesh contains 25 Zila Parishads and 242 constituencies, as well as 2,115 Gram Panchayats and 8,145 seats.
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