In a short video Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi is seen saying that twitter is a biased platform and not a neutral one and is controlled by The GOVT of India.
“We are not allowed to speak in Parliament, the media is controlled and I thought there was a ray of light that we could put what we thought on twitter but that’s definitely not the case”, said Gandhi.
“As Indians we have to ask the question, are we going to allow companies just because they are beholden to Government of India, to define our politics for us? Is that what this is going to come to? Or are we going to define our politics in our own? That’s the real question here.” he added.
This statement comes after Rahul Gandhi’s and several Congress members Twitter account was locked few days ago after Rahul Gandhi shared a picture of the parents of the 9 year old girl who was raped and killed at a crematorium in Delhi on August 1.
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