The huge samosa takes about six hours to prepare by chefs at Kaushal's shop. According to the store owner, it takes almost 90 minutes and the efforts of three cooks merely to fry the samosa in the pan.
Desk: How
about cutting a 12-kilogram huge samosa for your birthday? Or, for Rs 71,000,
consume the deep-fried food in 30 minutes. Shubham Kaushal, the third-generation owner of Kaushal Sweets in Lalkurti, says he wanted to do "something
different" to bring the samosa to the forefront.
He had the inspiration
to make a 'Bahubali' samosa weighing 12 kilograms. People, according to
Kaushal, order 'Bahubali' samosas and prefer to cut them on their birthdays
instead of the conventional cake. He also mentioned a Rs 71,000 prize for
finishing the samosa, which is loaded with potatoes, peas, spices, paneer, and
dry fruits, in 30 minutes.
color:#1C1A1A">The huge samosa takes about six hours to prepare by chefs at
Kaushal's shop. According to the store owner, it takes almost 90 minutes and
the efforts of three cooks merely to fry the samosa in the pan. Around seven
kilograms of the 12-kilogram samosa is the food stuffed inside the pastry
"Our Bahubali
samosa has also piqued the interest of social media influencers and food
bloggers who visit the shop on a regular basis." "We get questions
from both locals and people from other parts of the country," Kaushal
said. He stated that the establishment only accepts prior orders for the samosa.
color:#1C1A1A">"I wanted to do something different to put samosas on the
map." We settled on 'Bahubali' samosas. We began by preparing four-kg
samosas, followed by eight-kg samosas. Both of those proved to be popular.
"After that, we made a 12-kg samosa," Kaushal explained. A 12-kg samosa
costs approximately Rs 1,500.
color:#1C1A1A">So far, Kaushal has got 40-50 orders for 'Bahubali' samosas. He
claimed to have the largest samosa in the country. The western UP area, Meerut,
is known for sweets like 'revri' and 'gajak'.
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