North East
Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defence, Research and Development Organization, designed and developed ABHYAS (DRDO).
Digital Desk: India successfully flight-tested the indigenously developed high-speed expendable aerial target (HEAT), ABHYAS, from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur off the coast of Odisha on Wednesday.
According to a statement, The aircraft's performance at low altitude, including sustained level and high maneuverability, was demonstrated during the test flight.
According to ITR, the target aircraft was flown from a ground-based controller in a pre-planned low-altitude flight path that was monitored by various tracking sensors, including radar and an electro-optical targeting system.
Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defence, Research and Development Organization (DRDO), designed and developed ABHYAS.
The air vehicle was launched using twin underslung boosters, which provided the vehicle with initial acceleration. According to the information, it is powered by a small gas turbine engine that allows it to fly for an extended period at high subsonic speeds.
The target aircraft is outfitted with an inertial navigation system based on micro-electromechanical systems. It also has a flight control computer for guidance and control, a radio altimeter for very low-altitude flights, and an encrypted data link.
As per the report, the vehicle is programmed for fully autonomous flight.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the DRDO and the armed forces on the successful flight trial of ABHYAS and stated that the development of this system would meet the needs of aerial targets.
G Satheesh Reddy, chairman of the DRDO, praised the efforts of the teams involved in the system's design, development, and testing.
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