Consumption generally increases from March to June and then decreases in June because of excessive heat in Delhi…
As far as industry statistics are concerned, Delhities are said to have, specifically in the summer of 2024. In contrast, it was close to 43 million liters during the summer of 2023. Of all major beer-consuming states, Karnataka is on record as having
embraced a phenomenal six months of beer season in which beer consumption has been reported to have risen by about 14% annually. From April to September 2024
Karnataka accrued beer sales of 204 Million Liters which is a slight decrease as
compared to the 206 Million Liters of Beer sale recorded from April to September 2023.
Consumption generally increases from March to June and then decreases in June because of excessive heat in Delhi. Nonetheless, sales started to fall in July and considerably reduced in September which recorded a decline of slightly over 32 percent compared to those recorded in September 2023. This decline, according to officials from Delhi’s excise department, is due to some technical problems with the software used to control the sale of alcohol in the capital.
Seasonal growth in beer sales follows the general trends of beer consumption patterns but is moderated by seasonal and operating factors. Delhi’s beer market profit is gaining strength, and yet administrative and infrastructure challenges remain key influencers of its performance.
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