Digital Desk: Harsh Goenka, a businessman and the head of the
RPG Group, is well-known for his amusing social media posts. On Twitter, Mr.
Goenka frequently tweets articles that range from insightful to amusing. In his
most recent tweet, he now highlights a wedding invitation card. Due of the
card's inventiveness, Mr. Goenka decided to include it in his timeline.
According to Mr. Goenka's article, the wedding card is formed
and created to resemble the back of a tablet pack, which typically carries all
the information about the medication. But the strip instead includes the names
and contact information for the bride, groom, and their families, as well as
information about the wedding's location and time.
According to the invitation, the bride, M Vasanthakumari, is
an assistant professor at a nursing college, while the groom, B Ezhilarasan, is
an assistant professor at a pharmacy college. Additionally, the wedding
invitation's version of the cautionary phrase present on most tablet strips now
reads, "All friends and family don't miss my wedding function." The
"Manufactured By" label has information about the parents of the
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