Digital Desk: Work-from-home
would become a recognised legal right under legislation being proposed by two
Dutch politicians, making the Netherlands one of the first nations to do so.
"Times New Roman";color:#424242">
"Times New Roman";color:#424242">Senna Maatoug, a legislator for the Green
Party, and Steven van Weyenberg, a member of the pro-European D-66 Party, will
introduce the legislation, Weyenberg told Bloomberg on Wednesday. Before the
House leaves for the vacation on July 3, the two will present the plan to the
"Times New Roman";color:#424242">
"Times New Roman";color:#424242">Weyenberg stated, "We have the go-ahead
for this new law because of the support we received from both employees' and
employers' unions. We have high hopes that it will be approved before the
"Times New Roman";color:#424242">
Since the outbreak, many workers have sought to keep some of
the flexibility they have benefited from over the previous two years. However,
the question is growing more divisive as businesses try to meet the soaring
demand as the pandemic fades. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, gave the
company's employees till the beginning of this month to come back to work or
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