The NJDG is an online platform developed as part of the eCourts Project that contains orders, judgments, and case information...Digital Desk: The Chie...
The session is likely to witness the transfer of Parliament's business from the old building to the new one. Digital Desk: The government announc...
"Kent was in charge of a column of soldiers pursuing fleeing terrorists. It was shot dead by hostile fire," a defence official said.Digital Desk: Kent...
The decisions were made during the first meeting of the INDIA grouping's coordination committee, which was held at...Digital Desk: Opposition blo...
The plane is the first of 56 similar planes ordered by the Indian Air Force as part of a Rs21.935 billion effort to revamp...Digital Desk: ...
Marshals from both chambers of Parliament, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, will wear new uniforms with Manipuri turbans...Digital Desk: ...
Following the completion of her formal schooling, Jayashree from Kothagiri opted to join a flying school while continuing her career as an IT speciali...
Armed forces officers were in charge of the troops from the front after they had searched the area for terrorists based on specific intelligence. ...