The INDIA bloc's logo will be presented during a conference of opposition groups in Mumbai next week...Digital Desk: The symbol of the INDIA bloc, a c...
At least four babies who were born in the Kendrapara district hospital on August 23 evening were named... Digital Desk: In a heartwarming trib...
The 18-year-old also made history by qualifying for the Candidates 2024 event as the third-youngest player, after only the legendary Bobby Fischer and...
Congress accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of hypocrisy and rebuked him for hogging the limelight at the cost of the scientists... Digital Desk: C...
The Aditya mission to study the Sun, which is scheduled for launch in September... Digital Desk: In a remarkable achievement, the Indian Space R...
The umbilical cord was reportedly improperly cut at delivery, causing significant blood loss... Digital Desk: A 27-year-old woman in Karnataka's ...
Timungpi was one of the 21 officers picked by the Sonowal government's Commission...Digital Desk: After being named by a judicial commission in a...
At the time of the suspected gas leak on Wednesday at around 1 pm, there were about 2,000 workers inside the factory.Digital Desk: A poisonous gas lea...