A relative of the senior ULFA-I cadre, Aiseng Axom, claimed that a team from Sadiya police...
Digital Desk: Reports emerged today of alleged police firings at the residence of a senior cadre of the banned militant organization United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA-I) in Sadiya, Tinsukia district, Assam.
A relative of the senior ULFA-I cadre, Aiseng Axom, claimed that a team from Sadiya police forcefully entered their home, firing shots into the air and vandalizing his car. Despite denying any association with his ULFA-affiliated brother, the relative asserts that the police action was unwarranted.
Local police refute these allegations, and sources suggest that ULFA-I itself is making claims about the incident. This remains a developing story, with further details awaited.
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