Guwahati: To protect landlord's and tenets' interests and provide a speedy resolution in disputes, the Assam government introduced the 'Assam Tenancy Bill, 2021' in the Assam Legislative Assembly.
The Bill, introduced by Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Pijush Hazarika, on behalf of Minister of Urban Development Ashok Singhal, repeal the Assam Urban Areas Rent Control Act, 1972.
According to 'Assam Tenancy Bill, 2021', there will be no artificial cap in fixing the rent; both landlord and the tenant will decide it through a mutual agreement.
The Bill, to simplify and solve disputes between both the parties, will establish a rent authority, a rent court, and a rent appellate at the district level.
The Bill also simplified the ousting of a tenet if it fails to pay the rent or refuses to act as per the agreement. It also removes the fear of landlords of losing the property.
However, the provision of the Bill will not apply to certain premises, including those owned by religious or charitable organizations, government and Waqf authorities.
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