SEBA shared instructions to each institution regarding student qualifying criteria for the HSLC examination 2024...
Digital Desk: The Assam Board of Secondary Education (SEBA) has announced the implementation of OMR sheets to answer objective-type questions in the next High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examinations in February 2024.
The SEBA told the Inspector of Schools (AII) in a directive that 50 percent of the total marks would be objective type questions worth one mark each in core subjects such as English (CI), General Mathematics (C2), General Science (C3), and Social Science (C4). There will be one OMR sheet in each candidate's name.
Separate answer scripts containing 16 pages will be provided for the other 50% of questions, as before.
Furthermore, SEBA gave instructions to each school regarding the eligibility criteria for pupils to appear in the HSLC examination 2024. Check out the given in the notification below:
The board further stated that the protocol for handling sealed boxes/cartons of confidential material will not be changed, as it was in the rescheduled HSLC Examination, 2023 and HSLC (Compartmental) Examination, 2023.
Therefore, SEBA stated that the unopened cartons or boxes carrying secret materials cannot be accessed while being transported or while being stored in a safe at a police station or other police outpost, as stated by SEBA.
Furthermore, they won't be made accessible for opening anywhere other than the sorting room at the exam centre. The tiny packets of classified data containing 10 test questions can only be opened in the test room or examination hall.
SEBA has requested that the Inspector of Schools notify all students well in advance of the modifications to the HSLC exam 2024.
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