In a major reshuffling of the Assam Police, several senior officers have been transferred. The following reshuffle list issued from the Home Department are: In the interest of public service, Dr L R. Bishnol posted as Special Director General of Police (T&AP), Assam at level 15 of pay matrix for drawal of salary only and I/C Inspector General of Police (BTAD), Kokrajhar is substantially posted as Special Director General of Police (T&AP), Assam at the level of pay matrix with an additional charge of the 0/0 Inspector General of Police (BTAD), Kokrajhar.
Harmeet Singh, who was substantively posted as Additional Director General of Police (Border), Assam and was allowed to hold the additional charge of the post of Additional Director General of Police (ADGP)-(Admin, Security and M&L), Assam is allowed to function as Commissioner of Police, Guwahati as additional charge with effect from the date of taking over charge vice Murina Prasad Gupta. Harmeet Singh will continue to be substantively posted as ADGP (Border). He is relieved from the additional charges of the posts of Additional Director General of Police (Admin, Security and M&L) Assam.
Munna Prasad Gupta, who was substantively posted as ADGP-CID, allowed to function as Commissioner of Police, Guwahati is transferred and posted substantially as ADGP (Vigilance & Ant1 Corruption), Gupta is also allowed to hold the additional charge of ADGP (Administration and M&L), Assam. On repatriation from Central Deputation, A. Y. V. Krishna is posted as ADGP (CID), Assam with effect from the date of taking over charge of vice Munna Prasad Gupta.
Hiren Ch. Nath, ADGP (SB & additional charge, STF), Assam is allowed to hold the additional charge of ADGP (Security), Assam in addition to his current duties with effect from the date of taking over charge vice Harmeet Singh.
Surendra Kumar, Inspector General of Police (IGP)-CID, Assam is transferred and posted as Inspector General of Police (Modernization, Planning & Coordination), Surendra Kumar, IPS will hold the additional charge of the post of IGP (Vigilance & Anti Corruption), Assam. He will also look after crimes against women, children and human trafficking for which he will report to the Director General of Police, Assam.
Input: The Sentinel
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