A mother dog was beaten to death for entering a farm and...
Digital Desk: Dogs have played an important role in human life for centuries. They are referred to as man's best friend. Dogs provide emotional support and unconditional love, resulting in better surroundings and improved mental health.
But there are many monsters in the face of humans in our society who like to oppress such creatures. A brutal incident took place in Puranigudam of Mikirhat Hatigaon in Nagaon District. A female dog was the victim of cruelty. The dog gave birth to five puppies just two days ago. The dog was brutally beaten to death by a local youth named Dibyajyoti Saikia alias Dadul for entering a broiler farm and eating broilers.
The puppies are now desperate for their mother. The five puppies are seen suckling from the body of their dead mother. They don't realize that their mother is no longer in this world. The mother was beaten to death for eating meat from a broiler farm in search of food.
This heartbreaking incident brought tears to everyone's eyes. After the incident, local women came out for the dead dog seeking justice. The women cried as they watched the puppies searching for their mothers. The women, who are experiencing the pain of motherhood, have approached the Puranigudam police seeking justice. Local women demanded appropriate punishment for the perpetrators.
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