The software giant has assisted organizations working to restore households, provide food security through dry rationing, direct cash assistance, and distribute hygiene kits.
Digital Desk: Google has launched a series of crisis response efforts to assist and ensure that impacted individuals and communities in Assam, parts of North East India, and Bangladesh can cope and seek temporary relief from the onslaught of floods that killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions.
Google has proposed a donation of $500,000 to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, which will benefit all community-based organizations working to provide emergency assistance and long-term recovery in the affected areas.
The tech giant has assisted organizations working to restore households, provide food security through dry rationing, direct cash assistance, and distribute hygiene kits.
To make it easier for people who want to donate and help, Google has also launched an SOS alert that brings all available resources, such as authoritative local and national sources, to the top of search results.
Google has now made it easier to donate funds to Assam relief projects; organizations such as Spots for Smile Foundation and Goonj are now available on Google Pay for people living outside the affected region to contribute.
As a result of the recent heavy rains, many rivers were swollen, and on June 17, eight rivers were flowing above the high flood level, and three rivers were flowing above the danger level.
While the situation in Assam is slowly improving, with relief materials being sent across and inundation decreasing slightly, the death toll remains at 134. Over 25 lakh people have been replaced, and more than 130 people have died.
Also Read: Manipur sends relief supplies and workforce to flood-ravaged Assam
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