The ASFCL, which is under the Assam Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), has around 30 employees...
Digital Desk: Employees of the Assam State Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (ASFCL) situated at Chandrapur have not received their salaries for the past five years.
The ASFCL, which is under the Assam Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), has around 30 employees. One of the affected workers claims that ASFCL had stopped operations in January 2015 and that the workers had not received pay since May 2017.
The corporation was founded in 1962, and the state government took control of it in 1988. The corporation was supposed to be restructured, as promised by succeeding governments, but it never happened. ASFCL primarily produced mixed and green sulphur, which is used as fertilizer in tea gardens. Sulfuric acid and single superphosphate were also produced. Due to the government's ongoing neglect, the firm was forced to halt manufacturing. ASFCL employed over 200 people, but the majority had to find alternative sources of income, including daily wage work.
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