For the Rotary Year 2022-23, Rtr. Kumar Shivam Das has taken charge as the President of the Club, and Rtr. Niloy Jyoti Saikia as the Secretary of the Club.
color:#252525">Digital Desk: Rotaract Club of Rongali Guwahati, Rotary
International District 3240, India, had its 8th Installation Ceremony yesterday
at the Guwahati Press Club.
color:#252525">For the Rotary Year 2022-23, Rtr. Kumar Shivam Das has taken
charge as the President of the Club, and Rtr. Niloy Jyoti Saikia as the Secretary
of the Club. The Board of Directors for the Rotary Year 2022-23 has been
color:#252525">The occasion was graced by Prof. Subendu Sekhar Bag(IIT
Guwahati), Mr. Chinmoy Medhi, Rtn Prem Kant Choudhary, Rtn Rtr Deepjyoti Das, and many more esteemed guests.
color:#252525">We encourage all young people in Guwahati to join Rotaract for
the betterment of society. "We believe in service above self," says
Kumar Shivam Das, the Club President. For collaboration and joining, you can
send an email to,
he added.
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