The NFR intends to add more stations in the future to be recognized by the FSSAI...Digital Desk: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSS...
Beggars from outside Assam, mostly speaking Hindi, often beg for money, but rarely for food or clothes...Digital Desk: The number of beggars at traffi...
All over the district, it is strictly prohibited to burst firecrackers that produce noise...Digital Desk: Keen to ensure a pollution-free Dewali celeb...
The small boy had gone to the mill with an innocent request for a timber plank to make a cricket bat...Digital Desk: A lovely day became nightmare for...
Nilotpal Bora, an Assamese singer and composer, harshly criticized the makers of Raghav...Digital Desk: The Assamese film 'Raghav' became the centre o...
Zubeen fainted unexpectedly yesterday night while working at a studio, and he requested that his family take him to the hospital...Digital Desk: Zubee...
Himanta Biswa Sarma slammed his Bihar counterpart. He claimed that Nitish Kumar had "lost his mental balance"...Digital Desk: In the middle of the rec...
The incident occurred when the two brothers were giving pind daan to their mother, who had passed away six months earlier.Digital Desk: In a tragic oc...