As tensions continue to climb, Assam Police are not allowing vehicles from the state to enter Shillong...Digital Desk: The Meghalaya administration pr...
The demand for Joymala's return has been growing, pushing the Assam administration to consider means...Digital Desk: The Gauhati High Court has grante...
During the candlelight vigil held at the university's entrance, USTM students joined the villagers from Killing and Baridua as well as the KSU Norther...
The delegation will demand that a probe be conducted by either the Central Bureau of Investigation or the... Digital Desk: Meghalaya chief minister C...
So, who was Lachit Borphukon, and why is he important in the Assamese nationalism narrative?... Digital Desk: Assam is celebrating the 400th birth an...
The shooting, which also killed an Assam forest guard, took place at Mukhrow, which is within the... Digital Desk: Assam Chief Minister Himan...
NCS reported that tectonic plate movement was felt 37 kilometers east northeast of Tura at... Digital Desk: A magnitude 3.4 earthquake was felt near ...
He assured the pressure groups that are causing problems that Assam's government is completely cooperating with Meghalaya. Digital Desk: The chie...