Digital Desk: Exam Schedule/Admit Card for APSC Squad Commander: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has announced the screening test s...
The police stated that the cattle were rescued from a truck with the registration number... Digital Desk: Assam police rescued 23 cattle in the Nagao...
Digital Desk: Nearly 350 provincialized (government-aided) colleges in Assam are in crisis, with the state government failing to refund nearly 40% o...
Chiranjeev Sharma's ten years of action may have led to the creation of the Northeast's first traditional sports museum.Digital Desk: Gitart...
The three people were identified as Marcus Arne Henrik Bloom, Hannah Mikaela Bloom, and... Digital Desk: Three Swedish nationals were arrested in Ass...
The drugs, totalling 1,263kg, were taken from two four-wheeler vehicles, and four people were arrested in connection with the seizure.Digital Desk:&nb...
Manoj Kumar Baruah, the District Development Commissioner, presided over the meeting with candidates.Digital Desk: On Wednesday, a conference was...
The arrests came after the controversial 'Miya Museum,' housed under the PM's Awas Yojana in Assam's Goalpara district, was sealed on Tuesday.Dig...