new Delhi: Internet users were welcomed by a cute animated doodle on Google today after the Tech company marked the beginning of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. The winter solstice will begin today and end on 20 march 2022.
The winter solstice also called as hiemal solstice, hibernal solstice and brumal solstice starts when Earth’s poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun.
The event occurs twice a year with Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere experiencing the event each once.
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Google marked the event with a cute animated doodle showing a hedgehog walking on the snow.
The day becomes shortest and night longest for each hemisphere during winter solstice. Things are more intriguing in either police that experiences continuous darkness or twilight around its winter solstice.
The winter solstice usually falls on December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere that lasts only for a moment.
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It is the most significant time of the year as many cultures around the world observes this event with cultural events. Some states in India, and some East Asian nations mark this day with rituals and festivities.
Some experts suggest that this event has been prevalent for many cultures since the Neolithic times.
The winter season, has been an important event as earlier people would monitor their trade and daily routine by observing the season's progress
In some communities, people mark this event with fasting.
It is one of the most important day for the Hindu community as Hindus mark this event by celebrating Makar Sakranti. The day is dedicated to the Sun deity as the harvest festival sets in accompanied with a week long feasting.
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