Zara's most recent white button-down shirt is the talk of the town, in the right side of the shirt, a Hindi phrase such as 'Dilli Ki Dhoop Dilli' and...
Digital Desk: Zara's most recent illustration is a white button-down shirt. On the right side of the shirt, a Hindi phrase such as 'Dilli Ki Dhoop Dilli' (which almost translates as Delhi's sunlight Delhi) is printed, while the word 'chawal' (rice) is inscribed in Devanagari script on the left.
Additionally, a Twitter user Shilpa Kannan (@shilpakannan) tweeted images of this shirt taken from the Zara website on Wednesday, and posted, “lol! Zara is selling a shirt that has Hindi words that make no sense: One side says ‘Chawal — elements of voyage’ which is rice and the other says ‘Delhi’s sun/ heat Delhi.’ 😂 #lostintranslation”.
Many internet users speculated that the usage of the word 'chawal' on the shirt was the result of a mistranslation. To emphasise this point, a Twitter user wrote, “Many seem to think that someone was told to translate sunrise and went with sun and rice instead. Hilarious if it were true!” Another person theorised, “I think this was supposed to mean, Dilli ki dhoop, Dilli ki chaaval which got mistranslated to chaval !!!”.
Surprisingly, many people acknowledged that they found the shirt amusing and would like to purchase it. "To be honest, I'd wear a shirt that merely said... Because rice is life. "But that shirt is insane," a Twitterati reacted.
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