Suniel Shetty recently expressed concern about the highly awaited comedy...
Digital Desk: With each passing day, buzz around the project Hera Pheri 3 is growing. Since the original trio of Paresh Rawal, Suniel Shetty, and Akshay Kumar filmed the ad, viewers have been eager to see their favourite characters interact on screen. Although they are happy that Farhad Samji is directing Hera Pheri 3, the franchise's supporters and a certain segment of spectators are a little concerned about the movie.
Suniel Shetty recently expressed concern about the highly awaited comedy. Pinkvilla quizzed Suniel about the potential plot twist in HP3 as he was promoting his new series.
As the characters and their journey are the same, Shetty stated that the movie won't make a significant change. Sanjay Dutt will also join them in addition to the original trio. Assurances were given by Suniel when discussing the idea of HP3 "It's a fantastic script, that's all I know. These three lads' challenges and Baba's (Sanjay) decision to stay there are depicted in an emotional journey. Thus, it ought to be enjoyable."
Shetty has a fear about the movie even though he is excited to shoot it "The only thing that worries me is if we will ever be able to replicate the original. Since Hera Pheri was a pretty honest movie, if we act honestly, that is. If we continued to be honest, viewers would be drawn to the movie. Its recall value is high." Suniel announced that Hera Pheri 3 shooting will begin in the middle of 2023, giving up further information about the project.
When Hera Pheri 3 was first announced, Akshay Kumar said he wouldn't be working on the movie because of creative differences. Suniel was one of those who attempted to establish the differences between Firoz Nadiadwala, the producer, and Kumar. Hera Pheri 3 will be the direct sequel to the original film (2000) and Phir Hera Pheri (2006).
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