• Skincare mistakes that you need to avoid; Read Here

    Skincare mistakes that you need to avoid; Read Here

    Are you making any frequent skincare mistakes? Read ahead to learn about all of the skincare blunders to...

    Digital Desk: Many people simply want their skincare routine to work for them without additional knowledge. They may not be interested in knowing all of the stages and understanding how they function behind the scenes for their skin. 

    Skincare can be difficult. However, if you recall a few essential guidelines, you will get the desired results.

    1| Using every product in an inconsistent manner

    One of the most common skincare errors is cherry-picking and using products inconsistently and outside of a regular skincare routine. The three steps are cleansing, toning, and treatment and protection (which can be combined if you use a moisturiser with sunscreen included). 

    Notably, you can also supplement your routine with additional products, such as serums, to address different skin conditions. You should never, ever omit any of the essential steps.

    2| Not using sunscreen

    Skipping this step is one of the most common skincare blunders. Preventative skincare is critical. Even on rainy or overcast days, and even if you spend most of your time indoors, you should still apply SPF. The repercussions of neglecting this stage can be disastrous, it can lead to noticeable symptoms of ageing, blue light side effects, sunburns, or even skin cancer.

    3| You're using your items in the incorrect order

    The method in which you apply your skincare matters, especially when it comes to add-on items like eye cream. This is an extremely common skincare blunder. Apply this before applying your face cream to protect the skin around your eyes, which is more fragile than the rest of your face. Then comes serum, which should be applied before your face cream. The thinnest products with the largest concentration of active ingredients should be applied to the skin first. In other words, what is most valuable comes first.

    4| Interfering with your skin's circadian cycle

    Your skin must be protected throughout the day and capable of regeneration and restoration at night. What happens to your skin when you sleep? Your skin has its own circadian rhythm, which is a 24-hour cycle that is part of the internal clock of the body. 

    Consider it an operating system similar to the one on your phone: It operates in the background to perform critical operations and procedures. Because your skin is thinner at night and goes through the cell renewal and skin regeneration process, it absorbs things better.

    5| Changing your skincare routine frequently

    The enticement of new skincare products is always alluring to everyone, but for the health of your skin, we advise you to avoid seasonal "products of the week." Skincare requires at least 4-8 weeks of persistent, twice-daily application before you can see the results and advantages. Give your skincare products a chance to do their job.

    6| Your neck is an essential component of your face, care for it

    Remember to care for your neck, as it's a crucial part of your face. Maintain healthy skin and decolletage by applying face care products underneath your jawline and using leftover products on the backs of your hands.

    To avoid skincare oversights, eat an antioxidant-rich diet, get enough sleep, regulate your stress levels, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking.